IT Governance Process Design Studies
If your corporation is appropriate for any audit activity
If your IT organization is located as an interior unit of a corporation
The concept of governance is a priority for you
BT Süreçlerinizin kontrol hedeflerini COBIT’e uygun tasarlanmanız gerekecektir.
While we take COBIT as a reference for control objectives of processes, methods and
frameworks such as ITIL, PMBOK, ISO27001, and ISO9001 are used for the design of the processes.
Contribution to your corporation
Your processes are designed in short time according to selected control objectives, audit results and corporate
dynamics and priorities.
In teams, awareness about COBIT and governance concept is escalated.
With the participation of business units, healthy governance is established.
Content and outputs
Process documents (policies, procedures), flow diagrams, and process descriptions
Rol ve sorumluluk tanımları (RACI tabloları)
KPI definitions
Identification of technology and automation requirements, ensuring maximum utilization of current solutions that are already in use
HR competencies and training plan needed for the processes
Transition plan and communications plan